Worship Leader’s Coach
I told the Lord a long time ago,“I’ll take PEOPLE over PLATFORMS”, and because of that, He graciously gives me both. A leadership coach once told me, “David, in the years to come, you’ll be older and there will be others who God puts under your influence and what you’ll have to offer then is your life-lessons and experiences.” With that understanding, I’ve comitted to pouring my life out by investing in others.
One of my favorite Hebrew names of God is "El Roi", which means, "The God who sees me". God really sees, loves you, and has great plans for you, wherever you find yourself serving His Kingdom. All of us leading in ministry can remember the moment we said "Yes" to Jesus. In that moment, for some the "calling" was clear, for others, it's becoming clearer over time. My dream in life, is to come alongside worship leaders helping them catch a 360° view of their own leadership, identify and overcome any ministry hurdles within their local church context.